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As you remember, your past may take on a whole new light.

Recently my husband, Lew, was asked by an organization to be one of four men they had chosen to share their life testimony as a project to influence the lives of the younger generations.

As Lew and I went through the steps and experiences, both good and bad, that our lives together and his life, in particular, had traveled, we found a whole new appreciation for all that God had taught us. It was a joy to hear testimonies of people our lives had helped and influenced along their life pathways. Sometimes you wonder if you've done anything of lasting value in your life and discouragement can set in. It was so encouraging to hear from people who were soaring high and to know we had helped them stabilize their wing and tail feathers.

As you look back on the ways God has led you after years down the road, they make so much more sense. We found such a sense of gratitude rising in our hearts as the picture of God's loving hand in our lives was made clear. Even the heartaches finally fit into the tapestry and we could see the good that resulted from them.

The Apostle Peter says in II Peter 1:12, "Therefore, I shall always be ready to remind you of these things, even though you already know them, and have been established in the truth which is present with you." Taking time to go over your life story from birth to whatever age you are, gives a new perspective on what has occurred already and a new vision of the life path and purpose set ahead of you. You may see the pain in a new and purposeful light and also the love and protection God has given which you may have taken for granted. I encourage you to take some time to remember and receive a new light on both your past and your future. You will begin to see it as God has always viewed it.

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