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In Difficult Times

Psalm 23
My joy overflows!

I know that there are many studies on Psalm 23 but recently as I was reading the book of Psalms these thoughts came to me as I came to Psalm 23. I have made each word start with an "S" since this is the Shepherd Psalm.

1.SENTRY - "The Lord is my Shepherd." He stands guard at the sheepfold and on the pathway.

2. SATISFIED - "I shall not want" My Shepherd's provision meets all my needs. He is my supply.

3. SOLACE - "He makes me lie down...leads me beside quiet waters...restores my soul." He brings me emotional peace and quiet.

4. SANCTIFIED - "He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake." I am set apart (sanctified) to bring glory to His name. I am righteous only because of Him.

5. SAFE - "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I fear no evil for Thou art with me" Knowing He is with me and intimately acquainted with all the issues in my life gives me safety.

6. SECURE - "Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me." The boundaries put around me by my Shepherd keep out the Enemy and make me feel secure as I remain inside them.

7. SUSTAINED - "Thou dost prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies." No matter the difficulty I am strongly supported and able to go on with strength.

8. SALVE - "Thou hast anointed my head with oil" He heals me and resolves my feelings of woundedness from conflicts in my life.

9. SUPPLY - "My cup overflows..."goodness and mercy follow me" No matter the situation if I stay close to the Shepherd I can rejoice and be confident that he will turn all problems into something good for me.

10. SOLIDITY - "I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." This is not " I hope I'm good enough" This is a confidence that I am delighted in and fully accepted by God because of Jesus my Shepherd.

So as we walk in difficult times draw very close to the Shepherd of the sheep, Jesus. Then keeping our focus on Him, as the mountains stand in our way we can leap over them instead of being blocked or destroyed by them.

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